Biome.minecraft.frozen ocean

Frozen Ocean in Minecraft

The frozen ocean is a cold biome, where the ocean is partially covered with ice and packed ice, and shipwrecks are rare. There are polar bears, also, fish live in the water. The bottom of the frozen ocean consists of gravel, sand, earth and clay. From hostile mobs, there are generated skeletons, spiders, creepers and zombies.

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Modify date: 10/16/2022

biome.minecraft.frozen ocean biome buildings

There are 3 buildings that can be found in biome.minecraft.frozen ocean biome in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of all these structures that can be found in biome.minecraft.frozen ocean biome in Minecraft.

Passive mobs in biome.minecraft.frozen ocean

There are 5 passive mobs that can be found in biome.minecraft.frozen ocean in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of all these mobs that can be found in biome.minecraft.frozen ocean in Minecraft.

Dangerous mobs in biome.minecraft.frozen ocean

There are 5 dangerous mobs that can be found in biome.minecraft.frozen ocean in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of all these mobs that always attack the player in biome.minecraft.frozen ocean in Minecraft.

What gives biome.minecraft.frozen ocean

There are 5 items that can be obtained from biome.minecraft.frozen ocean in Minecraft. Below you can see a detailed description of these items that are dropped from biome.minecraft.frozen ocean in Minecraft.

Screenshots of biome.minecraft.frozen ocean

There are 4 screenshots on the site, which has biome.minecraft.frozen ocean in Minecraft. Below you can see these screenshots to get a better idea of what biome.minecraft.frozen ocean looks like in Minecraft.
