
Cow in Minecraft
EffectCan be milked

The cow is a friendly mob, found in almost all biomes, always in groups. A very useful animal, after killing a cow falls out raw beef and leather. Raw beef can be fried for excellent food for the player. And leather is indispensable for creating books and an enchantment table.

Cows can be fed and bred with wheat, led on a lead.

How to breed: Wheat
Drop: Leather, Raw Beef
  • Synonyms: Cow
  • Minecraft versions: 11 / 10.5.1 / 1.22 / 1.21 / 1.20 / 1.19.1 / 1.19
  • COMMAND: cow
Publish date:
Modify date: 10/16/2022

Questions about entity.minecraft.cow

Here you will find detailed answers to frequently asked questions about entity.minecraft.cow.

Коров можно разводить при помощи пшеницы. Из телят, подобно другим мобам-детенышам, нельзя получить мясо или опыт, но их можно подоить. Телята издают более высокие звуки, двигаются быстрее взрослых особей и следуют за своими родителями или другими взрослыми коровами. На то, чтобы теленок вырос, уходит 20 минут (игровые сутки). Пару коров можно снова размножать через 5 минут. Грибные коровы и обычные не спариваются.

How to craft entity.minecraft.cow

There are 3 recipes how to craft entity.minecraft.cow in Minecraft. Below you can see a description of all the recipes: pictures with ingredients and step-by-step instructions on how to make entity.minecraft.cow in Minecraft.

Where to find entity.minecraft.cow

There are 22 places where you can get entity.minecraft.cow in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of all these places where you can get entity.minecraft.cow in the game Minecraft.

What to craft with entity.minecraft.cow

There is only one recipe that uses entity.minecraft.cow in crafting in Minecraft. Below you can see a description of this recipe: a picture with ingredients and step-by-step instructions on how to use entity.minecraft.cow in Minecraft.

Drop from entity.minecraft.cow

There are several items that drop from entity.minecraft.cow in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of these items, which can be obtained by killing entity.minecraft.cow in Minecraft.

How to breed entity.minecraft.cow

There is only one item you can use to breed entity.minecraft.cow in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of this item, which allows you to breed entity.minecraft.cow in the game Minecraft.

Screenshots of entity.minecraft.cow

There are 2 screenshots on the site, which has entity.minecraft.cow in Minecraft. Below you can see these screenshots to get a better idea of what entity.minecraft.cow looks like in Minecraft.

Command to summon entity.minecraft.cow

There is a command that allows you to summon entity.minecraft.cow in Minecraft. Below you can see a detailed description of this command to learn how to create entity.minecraft.cow in Minecraft.

Entity.minecraft.cow can be summoned using a command in creative mode. This requires:

  1. open chat (press "T")
  2. write command /summon minecraft:cow
  3. press "ENTER"

You can also specify the coordinates by which entity.minecraft.cow will be called:

/summon minecraft:cow ~ ~ ~
the current coordinates of the player
/summon minecraft:cow 100 ~ 200
X coordinate = 100, Y = current Y coordinate of the caller, Z coordinate = 200
/summon minecraft:cow ~10 50 ~-2
X = current X-coordinate + 10 blocks, Y = 50, Z = current Z-coordinate - 2 blocks

X - coordinate from west to east, Y - height, Z - coordinate from south to north.
