The bell is one of the few items in Minecraft that the player cannot create.
The bell is a transparent block and can be attached to any block. Depending on the mounting method, the texture of the bell changes slightly. In the village, the bell serves as a means of warning villagers of impending danger. The player can also use the bell. When used, the bell makes a ringing sound and an animation is played.
The strength of the bell is 5, you can get it with a pickaxe, and gold is the fastest.
- Minecraft versions: 11 / 10.5.1 / 1.22 / 1.21 / 1.20 / 1.19.1 / 1.19
- COMMAND: bell
Modify date: 11/16/2022
Questions about bell
Here you will find detailed answers to frequently asked questions about bell.
For the first time in the game, the bell appeared in version 1.14, it was generated only in the villages of the plains, savannas and snowy taiga. The bell has its own sound when you click on it with the left mouse button and when a projectile hit it, then the shaking animation is played.
In version 1.14.2, the detection radius of raiders has been increased from 48 to 64 blocks.
In version 1.15, when exposed to a redstone signal, the bell will make a sound.
In version 1.16, the bell can be hung under the following blocks: glass panel, iron grating, fence, edge rod, chain, loading funnel, flower pot, head, chest, cooking rack, whetstone and anvil.
The bell is generated in villages, usually near wells. You can buy a bell from a villager-armorer, a gunsmith and a toolmaker with the level of development of the profession "Journeyman" or from a Wandering Trader for 36 emeralds. Sometimes the bell can be found near destroyed portals in chests (1% chance).
If the player starts ringing the bell in the village at night or during a thunderstorm, he will be able to wake up all the villagers and they will leave their homes. Conversely, if villagers are out of the house, they will return to their homes, as if in danger. During the raid, one of the villagers will start ringing the bell to alert the others about the danger, and they will hide in the houses. At this time, the raiders will be detected for a few seconds within a radius of 64 blocks.
The bell can be used as a decorative block for interior decoration of a dwelling and various buildings.
The bell is the center of the villages in Minecraft. They are a meeting place for villagers, as well as a source of alarm during raids.
The bell cannot be created in Minecraft.
- If the villagers are asleep, the bell will wake them up.
- If the villagers are awake, the ringing of the bell will send them home.
- During the raid, all attacking mobs within 32 blocks of the bell will be highlighted.
If you break the bell, the villagers will be angry. However, if a new bell is installed in the village, all the villagers will emit the effect of green sparkling particles of joy.
During a raid – one of the villagers goes to the gathering place and rings the bell to warn other villagers.
Gathering Place – adding a bell will create a new gathering place, even if the village already has one. The villagers remember their specific gathering place and go there while chatting, even if another gathering place is closer.
In large villages there may be 2 bells in two squares. But even in small villages there may be several bells. Sometimes you can find 2 bells located very close to each other symmetrically at a short distance.
This scenario of the behavior of the villagers has not accidentally become part of the game since village raids were added in the Village & Pillage update. If you ring the bell, the villagers will hurry to their homes – to safety.
During the raid, when the bell rings, the pillagers will be highlighted, which will help identify them behind the blocks.
You can buy a bell from a resident of armorer, a weaponsmith or a toolsmith.
The bell is not a rare item in Minecraft. It can be found in the villages of villagers, bought from a armorer, a weaponsmith or a toolsmith. In addition, it is very rare to find a bell in a chest near destroyed portals.
If you click on the bell, it makes a sound, as well as an animation of "swaying". The bell can be rung using the redstone signal, by firing any projectile, or by throwing an object at it.
How to craft bell
Unfortunately, there is no recipe how to craft bell in Minecraft. But you can see where you can find bell in Minecraft.

Can't be crafted
Unfortunately, bell cannot be crafted in the inventory or on the workbench in Minecraft.
Bell you can buy with emeralds from villagers.
Bell can be found in structures in Minecraft.
Bell can be obtained using commands in creative mode.
Where to find bell
There is only one place to find bell in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of this place where you can get bell in the game Minecraft.
What to craft with bell
There is only one recipe that uses bell in crafting in Minecraft. Below you can see a description of this recipe: a picture with ingredients and step-by-step instructions on how to use bell in Minecraft.
Where to buy bell
There are 3 villagers who sell bell in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of these villagers from which you can buy bell in Minecraft.
Screenshots of bell
There are 4 screenshots on the site, which has bell in Minecraft. Below you can see these screenshots to get a better idea of what bell looks like in Minecraft.
Command to get bell
There is a command that allows you to get bell in Minecraft. Below you can see a detailed description of this command to learn how to create bell in Minecraft.
Bell can be got using a command in creative mode. This requires:
- open chat (press "T")
- write command
/give @p minecraft:bell
- press "ENTER"
You can also specify the number and who bell will be given:
/give @p minecraft:bell 10
/give MinecraftMax minecraft:bell