Мангровое болото генерируется ближе к теплым биомам, таким как пустыня или джунгли. Там растут мангровые деревья, мох, лианы, спаунятся лягушки и слизни. Встречается много блоков грязи.
- Minecraft versions: 11 / 10.5.1 / 1.22 / 1.21 / 1.20 / 1.19.1 / 1.19
- NID: mangrove_swamp
Modify date: 10/16/2022
Passive mobs in mangrove swamp
There is only one passive mob that can be found in mangrove swamp in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of this mob, which can be found in the mangrove swamp in Minecraft.
Plants in mangrove swamp biome
There are 3 plants that can be found in mangrove swamp biome in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of all these plants that grow in mangrove swamp biome in Minecraft.
What gives mangrove swamp
There are 3 items that can be obtained from mangrove swamp in Minecraft. Below you can see a detailed description of these items that are dropped from mangrove swamp in Minecraft.
Screenshots of mangrove swamp
There are 2 screenshots on the site, which has mangrove swamp in Minecraft. Below you can see these screenshots to get a better idea of what mangrove swamp looks like in Minecraft.