Sand in Minecraft is a block of light yellow color, which has little strength and explosion resistance. As a rule, sand is used to create sandstone, dynamite, glass, cement. Occasionally used as a building block. But since this is a fragile block, building from sand is not the best solution.
Sand cannot be crafted, but it can be bought from a Wandering Trader. Sand is found in most biomes. You can even get sand by hand, but the fastest way is with a shovel.
Sand is one of the few blocks affected by gravity. This means that if there is no support block under it, the block of sand will fall down.
If sand falls on a mob or a player, the mob will suffocate and lose health until it gets out. This property of sand is used in traps.
- Minecraft versions: 11 / 10.5.1 / 1.22 / 1.21 / 1.20 / 1.19.1 / 1.19
- COMMAND: sand
Modify date: 12/18/2022
Questions about sand
Here you will find detailed answers to frequently asked questions about sand.
- The sand block was added to the Classic version of Java Edition in snapshot 0.0.14a. The sand in this version had the following features:
- Sand deposits were rare, usually near the coasts or under water.
- Sand blocks already had physics then, but there was no animation of falling. These features existed before the release of the Infdev version.
- In the 0.0.15a snapshot, the shade of the sand block has been changed, it has become lighter.
- In the Indev version, sand has become more common.
- In the Infdev version, the sand has an animation of falling.
- In Beta 1.3, "floating" sand began to occur in caves, which fell when the player began to destroy the blocks closest to him.
- In version 1.8, sandstone began to be generated under the sand on the beaches.
- In the Official Java Edition in version 1.0, the sand texture is changed again.
- In version 1.4.2, the sounds when installing sand and walking on it have been updated.
- In version 1.12, sand was used in cement crafting.
- In version 1.13, the oceans were divided into 5 types, and sand is now generated only at the bottom of the warm ocean.
- In version 1.14, the texture of sand has been changed again.
Sand is an opaque block with an explosion resistance of 0.5 and a hardness of 0.5, which is affected by gravity.
You can get it by hand or with any tool, but the fastest is with a shovel (the time of destruction with a diamond, netherite, gold shovel is 0.1 seconds). When destroyed, the sand block itself falls out.
It can stack 64 pieces in an inventory cell, non-flammable.
Sand is found almost everywhere, but most of it is in deserts, on beaches and at the bottom of reservoirs. Sometimes found underground in caves.
Yes. You can buy 8 blocks of sand from a Wandering Trader for 1 emerald.
Sand is used for crafting glass, cement, TNT, sandstone, for growing cacti, bamboo, sugar cane and kelp. It can be used for construction under water, drainage of reservoirs, automatic closing of holes in walls.
Sometimes players use the gravitational properties of sand in the construction of suffocating traps for mobs.
The so-called "airlocks" are created from sand blocks, when the sand structure is held in place only thanks to the torches installed under the blocks. When flooded, the torches are washed away with water, and the entire structure of sand falls down, blocking the path of water.
It is best to extract sand in large quantities in the desert. There you need to find the thickest layer of sand and go down to the lowest block of this layer, which is located on a non-loose block-base. Next, it is necessary to destroy the block under the base block and install a torch instead. After the player breaks the block base that holds the stack of sand, all the sand from the stack will begin to fall on the previously installed torch and fall out in the form of sand blocks, which will only need to be collected in inventory.
If sand is placed under a note block, it will sound like a "snare drum".
In the melting furnace.
- Sand
- Red Sand
How to craft sand
Unfortunately, there is no recipe how to craft sand in Minecraft. But you can see where you can find sand in Minecraft.

Can't be crafted
Unfortunately, sand cannot be crafted in the inventory or on the workbench in Minecraft.
Sand can be found in structures in Minecraft.
Sand can be obtained using commands in creative mode.
Where to find sand
There are 12 places where you can get sand in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of all these places where you can get sand in the game Minecraft.
What to craft with sand
There are 22 recipes that use sand in crafting in Minecraft. Below you can see a description of all the recipes: pictures with ingredients and step-by-step instructions on how to use sand in Minecraft.
What can be done with sand in mods
There are several recipes that use sand in Minecraft mods. Below you can see the description of all recipes: pictures with ingredients and step by step instructions on how to use sand in Minecraft game mods.
Screenshots of sand
There are 3 screenshots on the site, which has sand in Minecraft. Below you can see these screenshots to get a better idea of what sand looks like in Minecraft.
Command to get sand
There is a command that allows you to get sand in Minecraft. Below you can see a detailed description of this command to learn how to create sand in Minecraft.
Sand can be got using a command in creative mode. This requires:
- open chat (press "T")
- write command
/give @p minecraft:sand
- press "ENTER"
You can also specify the number and who sand will be given:
/give @p minecraft:sand 10
/give MinecraftMax minecraft:sand