Wooden Barn

Downloads: 295 times

On the map for Minecraft "Wooden Barn" there is a large structure that combines a stable (on the ground floor there are stalls for several horses), a complex of workshops, as well as a room for storing and primary processing of crops (on the second floor). Outside, under the canopy, you can find a small workshop.

This is one of several buildings that are united by a single theme: this is the Wild West series. And if you want to plunge into those glorious times, or you have a thematic server – this map is exactly what you need.

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Original nameWooden Barn
File1.15Mb, zip

Information for authors

Video about the map "Wooden Barn"

Here you can watch a detailed video about the map "Wooden Barn".

Installing the map "Wooden Barn"

Below is a detailed step-by-step instruction for installing the "Wooden Barn" map so that you can play Minecraft with pleasure!

  1. Download the map, inside it is a zip-archive with the folder "Wooden Barn".
  2. Go to Minecraft, the main menu will appear.
  3. Press the "Single Player" button, a list of saved worlds will appear.
  4. Select any saved world, the buttons below will be activated.
  5. Press the "Edit" button, the world settings menu will appear.
  6. Click the "Open world folder" button, the Explorer window will open.
  7. Go to the "saves" folder, a list of folders of saved Minecraft worlds will appear.
  8. Copy the "Wooden Barn" folder (from the zip archive in step #4) to the "saves" folder.
  9. Return to Minecraft.
  10. Return to the main menu so that the menu item "Single Player" appears.
  11. Click the "Single Player" menu again to make the new map appear in the list.
  12. Start a saved world named "Wooden Barn".
  13. Enjoy playing Minecraft!


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