Generated Structures Flood Escape

Downloads: 79 times

The map for Minecraft "Flood Rescue" is a game map that you need to pass and not die.


  • The goal of the game is to avoid death from flooding by using parkour. If the indoor air level runs out, the game is over.
  • The author made a special air mechanics similar to FE2 in Roblox.
  • When the air level reaches below 20%, you will hear a "low air level warning". The interval of beeps becomes faster when you approach 0% of the air.
  • After 2 seconds, if you do not touch the water, the air is replenished at a high rate (there is a room for flood experiments so that you can check the water filling rate).
  • Air tanks give you 300% more air, but can't be refilled. It is useful when you need to stay in the water for a long period of time.
  • Five levels of difficulty of the game: easy, medium, hard, crazy and nightmarish (sometimes called almost impossible). Each difficulty has 4 cards, the nightmare has 3 cards.
  • In addition, there is a tutorial for new players. If you are not familiar with how the game works, you can use training.
  • Supports multiplayer.


  • If you play below version 1.18, you will fall into the void indefinitely. The gameplay is focused on y=<0.
  • If you are playing on a version below snapshot 22w13a, the air mechanics will not work. In addition, the ancient map of the city will become non-reproducible.

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Original nameGenerated Structures Flood Escape
File4.76Mb, zip

Information for authors

Installing the map "Generated Structures Flood Escape"

Below is a detailed step-by-step instruction for installing the "Generated Structures Flood Escape" map so that you can play Minecraft with pleasure!

  1. Download the map, inside it is a zip-archive with the folder "Generated Structures Flood Escape".
  2. Go to Minecraft, the main menu will appear.
  3. Press the "Single Player" button, a list of saved worlds will appear.
  4. Select any saved world, the buttons below will be activated.
  5. Press the "Edit" button, the world settings menu will appear.
  6. Click the "Open world folder" button, the Explorer window will open.
  7. Go to the "saves" folder, a list of folders of saved Minecraft worlds will appear.
  8. Copy the "Generated Structures Flood Escape" folder (from the zip archive in step #4) to the "saves" folder.
  9. Return to Minecraft.
  10. Return to the main menu so that the menu item "Single Player" appears.
  11. Click the "Single Player" menu again to make the new map appear in the list.
  12. Start a saved world named "Generated Structures Flood Escape".
  13. Enjoy playing Minecraft!


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