Effect | Desiccation |
Health | 150 |
Damage | 4 |
Experience | 50 |
Wither is a mob-boss in Minecraft with a dark purple body and three heads. It will not spawn anywhere by itself. It can only be summoned with the help of a command, a summoning egg, or created from 4 soul sands and 3 skulls of desiccant skeletons.
The Wither has a unique property: when he just spawned, his health scale is only 50% full. Within a short time, it fills up completely. While this is happening, the Wither cannot be damaged (the health school of the Wither, called by the team or the egg of the summoning is filled at once by 100%).
Attacking the player, the Wither shoots at him with shells-skulls, which, unlike Gast's shells, cannot be repelled. If a projectile hits a player, a desiccation effect is applied to it (10-40 seconds).
When a Wither has 50% health remaining, he gains immunity to arrow damage. They are reflected from it without causing any harm.

- Minecraft versions: 11 / 10.5.1 / 1.22 / 1.21 / 1.20 / 1.19.1 / 1.19
- COMMAND: wither
Modify date: 01/16/2023
Questions about wither
Here you will find detailed answers to frequently asked questions about wither.
Wither is the second healthiest mob boss in Minecraft; Wither has a health reserve of 300, which is 150 hearts on the health scale. The first place is taken by the Warden, who has 500 health units, which corresponds to 250 hearts. In third place is the Ender dragon – 200 units or 100 hearts.
Maximum damage from the Wither explosion (when health reaches 100% mark):
- At the light level of 49 (24.5 hearts)
- On a normal 96 (48 hearts)
- On hardcore 144 (72 hearts)
Damage from projectile heads:
- At light level 5 (2.5 hearts)
- On a normal 8 (4 hearts)
- On hardcore 12 (6 hearts)
Drying effect/sec:
- At easy level 2 (1 heart)
- On a normal 9 (5 hearts)
- On hardcore 39 (19.5 hearts)
The size of the Wither hitbox: height: 3.5 blocks, width: 1 block.
Drop –Nether Star.
The Wither will not take damage from fire, lava and water. He cannot die from suffocation, as he destroys all the blocks touching him, except for the bedrock, the Edge Gate, the Edge portal, the Edge portal frame, the command block, the barrier and the working piston. The Wither is undead, so he will take damage from the instant healing effect and is healed by the instant damage effect; he is invulnerable to all other effects.
- Wither appeared in the Official release of Java Edition in version 1.4.2. Then Wither could be invoked only with the help of spawners or various modifications. In snapshot 12w36a, it became possible to summon a Wither using blocks of soul sand in the shape of the letter "T" and skulls, and after his death, a star of the Lower World and 20 units of experience fell out. Starting with the snapshot 12w37a, after restoring health, the Wither creates an explosion. In the 12w38a snapshot, a special sound has been added for the blocks destroyed by the Wither. In the snapshot 12w42b, the experience that the Wither leaves behind is increased (up to 50 units).
- As of version 1.4.4, the Wither can no longer destroy the Edge portal frame.
- Since version 1.7.2, the player will receive achievements when summoning and killing a Wither.
- Since version 1.7.10, Wither is able to destroy obsidian.
- The following changes have been made in version 1.8:
- The size of the Wither's hitbox has been changed.
- Wither can no longer break the barrier.
- The totem for summoning the Wither can be positioned vertically, horizontally and in an inverted position.
- Since version 1.9, Wither cannot use portals to move between dimensions of the game.
- In version 1.11, Wither can no longer destroy structural blocks and voids.
- Since version 1.12, the Wither cannot destroy working pistons and Edge gate blocks.
- In version 1.14, the texture of the Wither was changed, and a desiccation rose appears in place of the mob that died from his projectile.
To make a Wither, you need to put soul sand in the form of the letter T, and install one skull of a Wither skeleton on the top three blocks.
If you summon a Wither using 4 soul sands and 3 Skeletal Desiccant skulls, his health scale is only 50% full. It will fill up completely within 10 seconds. While this is happening, the Wither freezes in place, flashes blue, increases in size and nothing can be done to it at this time. As soon as his health reaches its maximum, the Wither "explodes" with great force, and begins to destroy all living things nearby.
The Wither attacks the target with two types of skulls: black and blue. Black skulls fly faster than blue ones, and their explosion is approximately equal in strength to the explosion from Ghast's fireballs. Their Wither releases on mobs. The blue skulls fly slower, the Wither cannot shoot them accurately and they can be repelled with a sword or even an arrow. Blue skulls destroy any blocks except the bedrock, the portal frame in the Edge dimension and the portal itself.
On all, with the exception of zombies and their variations, skeletons and their variations, zombie piglins, horses that are undead, phantoms, players in creative/observer mode, ghasts, zoglins.
The main difficulty during the fight with the Wither is his constant restoration of health, as well as the drying effect imposed on the player, which does not allow the player to restore health. And, unlike the effect of poisoning, after which half a heart remains, desiccation may not leave this either.
In the first stage of the battle, when the Wither can be damaged with arrows, the sword is useless. But as soon as the Wither's health is reduced by half, then the sword will come in handy. Best of all enchanted to "Heavenly punishment" and "Recoil".
It is worth taking care of armor with protection charms and stock up exploding healing potions that will cause additional damage to the Wither.
The rose of the Wither cannot be obtained without the Wither. As soon as he appears, he will destroy all living things around him, including mobs, after killing which roses grow on the ground. Roses need to be collected and further used at your discretion.
You can remove the drying effect by drinking milk.
Although the Wither measures approximately three and a half blocks high, three blocks wide and one block thick, its hitbox is only three and a half blocks high, one block wide and one block thick.
That is, his two smaller skulls to the left and right of the main skull are not part of the boss's hitbox. If the player aims at one of these two skulls, he will not cause any damage to the mob, so it is important to aim at the middle of the Wither.
- According to the developers, the mechanics of summoning Wither was taken from the game "Terraria", where there are similar ways to create bosses.
- In Minecraft there is a picture depicting the ritual of summoning a Wither from the sand of souls and black skulls.
- Wither starts shooting blue skulls when he takes damage from the void.
- If the Wither has more than half of his health, he tries to stay a few blocks above the mob he is fighting during the attack. Thus, it is almost impossible to climb higher and fight him with a sword.
- Wither's image is on a block of carved red sandstone.
- The smaller heads of the Wither shoot at intervals of 2-3 seconds, and the main head – 2 seconds.
- The withering effect of the Wither does not just take away the player's health, but also transfers this health to the Wither. Thus, it is better to fight with the Wither without the help of other mobs, since with their help he will replenish his health.
- Unlike the dragon of the Edge, the Wither can be given a name using a tag and look through his eyes in Observer mode (to do this, click LMB).
Drop from wither
There is only one item that drops from wither in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of this item, which can be obtained by killing wither in Minecraft.
Screenshots of wither
There are 6 screenshots on the site, which has wither in Minecraft. Below you can see these screenshots to get a better idea of what wither looks like in Minecraft.
Command to summon wither
There is a command that allows you to summon wither in Minecraft. Below you can see a detailed description of this command to learn how to create wither in Minecraft.
Wither can be summoned using a command in creative mode. This requires:
- open chat (press "T")
- write command
/summon minecraft:wither
- press "ENTER"
You can also specify the coordinates by which wither will be called:
/summon minecraft:wither ~ ~ ~
/summon minecraft:wither 100 ~ 200
/summon minecraft:wither ~10 50 ~-2
X - coordinate from west to east, Y - height, Z - coordinate from south to north.