Removal of Effects

Removal of Effects in Minecraft

During the game, various unpleasant effects can affect the player - nausea, poisoning caused by food and slowness, spells of weakness that are sent by hostile mobs. To remove these effects, the player needs to drink milk. It is especially useful to take milk with you on the hunt for the elder guardian.

There are also useful effects - night vision spells, regeneration from being near a lighthouse or sea source, and others.

  • Minecraft versions: 11 / 10.5.1 / 1.22 / 1.21 / 1.20 / 1.19.1 / 1.19
Publish date:
Modify date: 01/27/2022

How to craft removal of effects

Unfortunately, there is no recipe how to craft removal of effects in Minecraft. But you can see where you can find removal of effects in Minecraft.

How to craft removal of effects в Minecraft
Can't be crafted

Unfortunately, removal of effects cannot be crafted in the inventory or on the workbench in Minecraft.

Screenshots of removal of effects

There are 5 screenshots on the site, which has removal of effects in Minecraft. Below you can see these screenshots to get a better idea of what removal of effects looks like in Minecraft.
