A liana or vine is a block plant that appeared in the game in Beta version. The vine grows on the lower and side of the blocks. Liana is found in the Swamp and Jungle biomes, and in these biomes the vine can have a different shade of green, which depends on the color of the foliage in this biome.
The vine is destroyed by any tool, even by hand, it is destroyed most quickly by an axe. But the vine itself will fall out in the form of an object only if you cut it with scissors. In this case, the resulting dose can be hung on the side of a solid block, and it will begin to spread to nearby blocks in random directions.
You need to cut the vine from the bottom up, otherwise all the freely hanging fragments of the plant will disappear.
- Minecraft versions: 11 / 10.5.1 / 1.22 / 1.21 / 1.20 / 1.19.1 / 1.19
- COMMAND: vine
Modify date: 11/23/2022
Questions about vines
Here you will find detailed answers to frequently asked questions about vines.
Vines are added in the Beta version of Minecraft 1.8. The growth of vines continues, provided that there are already no more than 4 blocks of vines nearby.
In the Official Java Edition, the following properties were added to the vines.
- Version 1.2.1 – on the vines that grow on solid blocks, you can climb up and go down like a ladder. The player's movement speed slows down when he passes through a vine. The vine cannot be placed on the bottom of the block. In order for the vine to grow on the lower part of the block, it must be placed on the side surface, and it will grow on the lower part.
- Version 1.5 – if a player dies from falling from a vine, he will see a corresponding message on the screen.
- Version 1.8 – by combining a vine and a stone brick or cobblestone, the player will receive a mossy stone brick or a mossy cobblestone.
- Version 1.11 – vines can be found in the forest mansion.
- Version 1.13 – the player can place a vine on the underside of the block.
- Version 1.14 – you can climb the vines even if there is no solid block behind the vine. In snapshot 19w03a, when a vine is clicked on the composter, the humus level will increase by one level with a 20% chance, and in snapshot 19w05a - with a 50% chance.
- Version 1.16 – the vine has its own sound when the player climbs it.
Naturally growing lianas are found on the trees of jungles and swamps, in bamboo thickets.
They are also generated in outlaw outposts, a temple in the jungle, and witches' huts.
You can buy a vine from a Wandering Trader for one emerald.
The vine is a transparent block with a strength and explosion resistance of 0.2. The vine is stacked in one cell of 64 pieces. It is destroyed even by hand, but it can be destroyed most quickly with an axe. At the same time, nothing will fall out after the destruction. Vines can burn in fire or lava, washed off with water. The vines can be climbed and descended like a ladder.
The vine is an unsteady block, so players and mobs freely pass through it. Arrows, Ender-pearls, snowballs and eggs fly through it.
- Scissors with charms for "Efficiency" will not accelerate the destruction of vines.
- The speed of extraction of vines can be increased by destroying it with an axe, but in this case, nothing will fall out after the destruction.
- After version 1.8, vines have become more useful, as they are now part of the recipe for crafting mossy cobblestones and mossy stone bricks.
- Mobs can't see the player through the vines, so they can be used instead of glass.
- If during the destruction of blocks the player is on the vines, then the speed of destruction of blocks is halved.
- With the help of vines, you can create inscriptions on the walls, limiting their growth with a stretch of thread.
Vines can be destroyed with any object, but in the Java Edition, the only way to collect them is to use scissors.
Vines (lianas) grow quite fast, which allows you to grow them on the farm. If you cover the side of the wall with just one vine, then in about three game days you will get a whole wall of vines.
A climbing vine cannot be created from an ordinary vine. The climbing vine is generated in a distorted forest biome, either on the ground or on distorted huge mushroom structures, they can only be found in the Nether.
The vines will endlessly spread down and to the sides, provided that there are already no more than 4 blocks of vines nearby.
Mobs in Minecraft are technically not smart enough to climb ladders or vines. However, they can move forward, and moving forward is all they need to use ladders/vines. So, if the vines were between you and the zombies, they could probably climb them.
How to craft vines
Unfortunately, there is no recipe how to craft vines in Minecraft. But you can see where you can find vines in Minecraft.

Can't be crafted
Unfortunately, vines cannot be crafted in the inventory or on the workbench in Minecraft.
Vines can be found in structures in Minecraft.
Vines can be obtained using commands in creative mode.
Where to find vines
There are 7 places where you can get vines in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of all these places where you can get vines in the game Minecraft.
What to craft with vines
There are 2 recipes that use vines in crafting in Minecraft. Below you can see a description of all the recipes: pictures with ingredients and step-by-step instructions on how to use vines in Minecraft.
What can be done with vines in mods
Есть только один рецепт, в котором используется vines в модах Майнкрафт. Ниже вы можете посмотреть описание данного рецепта: картинка с ингредиентами и пошаговая инструкция, как использовать vines в модах игры Minecraft.
Screenshots of vines
There are 3 screenshots on the site, which has vines in Minecraft. Below you can see these screenshots to get a better idea of what vines looks like in Minecraft.
Command to get vines
There is a command that allows you to get vines in Minecraft. Below you can see a detailed description of this command to learn how to create vines in Minecraft.
Vines can be got using a command in creative mode. This requires:
- open chat (press "T")
- write command
/give @p minecraft:vine
- press "ENTER"
You can also specify the number and who vines will be given:
/give @p minecraft:vine 10
/give MinecraftMax minecraft:vine