Lush Caves

Lush Caves in Minecraft

Заросшие пещеры генерируются под землей, редко могут выходить на поверхность. Там растут самые разные растения, которые не встречаются в других биомах. На блоках мха и глины вырастают бросянки, азалии, пещерная лоза и спороцвет.

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Modify date: 10/16/2022

Plants in lush caves biome

There are 7 plants that can be found in lush caves biome in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of all these plants that grow in lush caves biome in Minecraft.

What gives lush caves

There are 3 items that can be obtained from lush caves in Minecraft. Below you can see a detailed description of these items that are dropped from lush caves in Minecraft.

Screenshots of lush caves

There are 2 screenshots on the site, which has lush caves in Minecraft. Below you can see these screenshots to get a better idea of what lush caves looks like in Minecraft.
