
Hoglin in Minecraft
EffectAfraid of the warped fungus

Hoglin is an aggressive boar mob that lives only in the Nether, most often in the crimson forest. There are two types: adult and baby. An adult hoglin attacks the player and deals heavy damage - up to 3 hearts in one hit, he also runs pretty fast. An adult hoglin can reach the player at a height of two blocks. The baby hoglin attacks once and then is scared by the player and run away. After killing a hoglin, raw pork (up to 3 pieces from an adult) and leather fall out.

Hoglin fears and avoids warped fungi, and hoglins can be bred with crimson fungi.

Hoglins are sometimes hunted by piglins.

If the hoglin enters the ordinary world (not the Nether), then after a few seconds it will turn into a zombie hoglin and will attack all the mobs nearby.

How to breed: Crimson Fungus
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Modify date: 10/16/2022

How to craft hoglin

There is only one recipe for how to craft hoglin in Minecraft. Below you can see a description of this recipe: a picture with ingredients and step-by-step instructions on how to make hoglin in Minecraft.

Where to find hoglin

There are 3 places where you can get hoglin in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of all these places where you can get hoglin in the game Minecraft.

Drop from hoglin

There are several items that drop from hoglin in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of these items, which can be obtained by killing hoglin in Minecraft.

How to breed hoglin

There is only one item you can use to breed hoglin in Minecraft. Below you can find a detailed description of this item, which allows you to breed hoglin in the game Minecraft.

Video about hoglin

There is only one video on the site which has hoglin in Minecraft. You can watch this video below to get a better idea of what hoglin looks like in Minecraft.

Screenshots of hoglin

There are 5 screenshots on the site, which has hoglin in Minecraft. Below you can see these screenshots to get a better idea of what hoglin looks like in Minecraft.

Command to summon hoglin

There is a command that allows you to summon hoglin in Minecraft. Below you can see a detailed description of this command to learn how to create hoglin in Minecraft.

Hoglin can be summoned using a command in creative mode. This requires:

  1. open chat (press "T")
  2. write command /summon minecraft:hoglin
  3. press "ENTER"

You can also specify the coordinates by which hoglin will be called:

/summon minecraft:hoglin ~ ~ ~
the current coordinates of the player
/summon minecraft:hoglin 100 ~ 200
X coordinate = 100, Y = current Y coordinate of the caller, Z coordinate = 200
/summon minecraft:hoglin ~10 50 ~-2
X = current X-coordinate + 10 blocks, Y = 50, Z = current Z-coordinate - 2 blocks

X - coordinate from west to east, Y - height, Z - coordinate from south to north.
